Iowa Might Be One of Two Deciding Factors in Election

President Barack Obama has regained his lead over Republican Challenger Mitt Romney.  It’s nothing like the ten-point lead Obama had over McCain in 2008, but it will have to do for now.  Most polls are showing Obama leading 49 percent to 47 percent.  A few are showing a larger lead.

Meanwhile, most of the other swing states have started to develop more definitive positions on which candidate will receive their electoral votes.  A recent analysis of the electoral college by Real Clear Politics shows that Obama will likely win Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, while Romney will probably gain all the electoral votes from Colorado, Florida, New Hampshire and Virginia.

If each candidate wins those exact states, the score would be 271 to 261, in favor of Obama.  That leaves Iowa’s six electoral votes up for grabs.  Even if Romney wins Iowa, which right now is unlikely, he still will be four electoral votes short of winning.  This might explain why Romney is focusing so much effort on Nevada, where George W. Bush won both of his elections.

Once again, Iowa must shoulder the majority of the burden of deciding who our next leader will be.

Timothy N. Crino

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